Planning a fun at-home kid’s birthday party?

Do you remember having Birthday Parties at home when you were a kid? You hung a few balloons and maybe some streamers around the room, scoffed cakes and cheated while pinning the tail on the donkey. Why not skip the expensive off-site party this year and stay at home for some old-fashioned fun?

Meet the kid’s party professional

Saoirse- Owner of Party Animals/ Children’s party entertainment


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Choose a theme

Once you’ve got a theme, party planning is a piece of cake. Start with your kid’s interests or try these ideas:

Ages 1-4
Colourful, Balloons, Bubbles and Games.

Ages 5-8
Princess, Pirate and Arts and Crafts parties.

Ages 7-10

Kids Disco, Pamper and Pyjama parties

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Spread the word

Lots of children love making their own invites. Great plan for a grey wet day. Get out the glue sticks with your gang. Kids are thrilled with homemade invitations. Buy blank cards at a euro shop and go wild with stickers, foil paper or theme-related drawings. Or print a free birthday invite here from your computer. Or if that’s not your thing most classes have a What’sApp group you can get parents numbers from.

Give guests a heads-up at least two weeks before the big event. Make sure to be discreet if you’re not including the entire school class.

Have a rough idea of numbers of guests

Remember that old “your child’s age equals the number of guests” rule of inviting? Forget it. You need enough kids to play games and sit around a table. For preschoolers, 10ish guests works well. If your space is small, remember that some parents will remain at the party with their tots. If the class is large many school-aged kids will just invite all the girls or all the boys in their class.


Our pro recommends a weekend bash. Got a Christmas or summer baby? Celebrate with family on the actual birthday, and plan a friend party for a time that suits. As for duration, a two-hour party (2½ hours max) is perfect. Parents’ most common mistake is parties that run too long, The third hour is deadly and the fourth is ridiculous — it’s exhausting for everyone. For pre-schoolers, 10 to noon or 11 to one (when kids are fresh) is ideal. Prepare in the morning and host an afternoon or evening event for older kids — they’re raring to go at any time!

Keep them busy

Hire a Kid’s Entertainer if you don’t want to be run ragged! You will have enough to do hosting feeding and watering your guests. Plus chatting to any adults that need to stay.

Children's party entertainers

Then watch and enjoy the fun, craic and memories being made!

 love Saoirse xxx





Saoirse De Burca